
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2018

Terjemahan "The Tyrant Who Became a Just Ruler"

The Tyrant Who Became a Just Ruler            (by: Bidpa i)          The King kept his word so well that soon he was known throughout the land as the Just King By and by, one of his favorites came and said, "Your Majesty l beg of you to tell me how it was that you had this change of heart towards your people?"          One day, much to their surprise, he called his people together and said to them, "My dear people, the days of my tyranny are over. Therefore you shall live in peace and happiness,  for have decided to try to rule justly and well."          In old times there lived a King, who was so cruel and unjust towards his people that he was always called the Tyrant. So heartless was he that his people used to pray night and day that they might have a new king.          And the...