Contoh Surat Informal Bahasa Inggris

                                                               Jl. Panongan No 41
4th April 2018                                        Majalengka
Dear my cousin,                                   45411 Jawa Barat

Diki Dzal Karnaen
In Majalengka

      Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
      Hi Dik, how are you? Are you okay Dik? May you and your family always be given health and happiness by Allah SWT. Aamiin.
       It's been a long time since we meet, it was almost three years ago Dik, exactly when my family and I decided to move to Sumedang. From then on I never heard again about you Dik. I hope you are always in the shelter and affection of Allah SWT wherever located.
        Late this month I and my family plan to go back to Majalengka to visit grandmother. I hope that day can join the entoufage to visit the hometown and stay in touch and nostalgic with you, my bigger cousin who I really miss.
         But what can be done. God wants other things about this plan. That day I found that there was a semester exam and a presentation on a campus. With a heavy heart it seems our encounter should be post pored, and I do not know when.
        Hopefully we can meet Dik. Soon.
        Oh yeah Dik, that's it for now, to say my best regards and apologies to the other cousins. Tell them I really missed our togetherness as a child.
          Your Cousin
       Muhammad Ali

p.s. I'll bring you Tahu from Sumedang. 😊


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