Arti Lirik Lagu dari Lirik Lagu Moed Ali - Supermarket Flowers, Ed Sheeran (Cover) dan Terjemahan

Arti Lirik Lagu dari Lirik Lagu Moed Ali - Supermarket Flowers, Ed Sheeran (Cover) dan Terjemahan

Watch Music Video Ed Sheeran - Supermarket Flowers Cover By Moed Ali 


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[Verse 1:]

I took the supermarket flowers from the windowsill

Aku ambil bunga-bunga di supermartket dari jendela

I threw the day old tea from the cup

Aku membuang teh yang lama dari cangkir

Packed up the photo album Matthew had made

Mengemasi album foto Matthew telah terbuat

Memories of a life that's been loved

Kenangan hidup yang di cintai

Took the get well soon cards and stuffed animals

Mengambil kartu ucapan dan boneka binatang

Poured the old ginger beer down the sink

Menuangkan bir jahe di wastafel

Dad always told me, "Don't you cry when you're down"

Ayah selalu berkata padaku, "Janganlah kau menangis saat kau sedang pilu"

But mum, there's a tear every time that I blink

Tapi ibu, ada air mata tiap kali aku berkedip

[Pre-Chorus :1]

Oh I'm in pieces, it's tearing me up, but I know

Oh aku terpotong-potong, itu merobekanku, tapi aku tahu

A heart that's broke is a heart that's been loved

Hati yang hancurlah hati yang telah di cintai


So I'll say Hamdulillah

Lalu aku berkata Hamdulillah

You were an angel in the shape of my mum

Kau malaikan dalam wujud ibuku

When I fell down you'd be there holding me up

Saat aku pilu kau ada menghiburku

Spread your wings as you go

Merebahkan sayapmu saat kau pergi

And when God takes you back we'll say Hamdulillah

Dan saat Tuhan membawamu kembali, kita akan berkata Hamdulillah

You're home

Kaulah rumah

[Verse 2:]

Fluffed the pillows, made the beds, stacked the chairs up

Menepuk-nepuk bantal, membuat tempat tidur, menumpukan kursi

Folded your nightgowns neatly in a case

Melipat baju tidurmu rapi dalam kotak

John says he'd drive then put his hand on my cheek

John berkata dia akan menghampiri lalu meletakan tangannya di pipiku

And wiped a tear from the side of my face

Dan menyeka air mata di wajahku

[Pre-Chorus 2:]

I hope that I see the world as you did 'cause I know

Aku berharap aku lihat dunia seperti yang kau lakukan, karena aku tahu

A life with love is a life that's been lived

Sebuah kehidupan dengan cinta adalah kehidupan


So I'll say Hamdulillah

Lalu aku akan berkata Hamdulillah

You were an angel in the shape of my mum

Kau malaikan dalam wujud ibuku

When I fell down you'd be there holding me up

Saat aku pilu kau ada menghiburku

Spread your wings as you go

Merebahkan sayapmu saat kau pergi

And when God takes you back we'll say Hamdulillah

Dan saat Tuhan membawamu kembali, kita akan berkata Hamdulillah

You're home

Kaulah rumah

[Poetry: ] Special From Moed Ali Cover

To My Mother

Kepada Ibuku

Mum, I don't know if there is no you will be so if I later 

Ibu, aku tidak tahu jika tidak ada dirimu
akan jadi apakah aku nanti

Mum, please forgive all delinquency my time children, youth and now

Ibu, maafkanlah segala kenakalan ku waktu anak anak, remaja dan sekarang ini

You must say that have you forgive me though I don't ask

Kau pasti bilang bahwa kau sudah memaafkanku walaupun aku tak meminta

Mum, thank you, you are the people that there is always for me

Ibu, Terima Kasih, Kau orang yang selalu ada untuk ku

God keep always my mother, She is the Angel in person

Tuhan jaga selalu Ibuku, Dia adalah malaikat dalam wujud manusia

You were an angel in the shape of my mum

Kau malaikan dalam wujud ibuku

When I fell down you'd be there holding me up

Saat aku pilu kau ada menghiburku

Spread your wings as you go, when God takes you back

Merebahkan sayapmu saat kau pergi, Dan saat Tuhan membawamu kembali

I love you Mum

Aku sayang Ibu

I'll say

Aku akan berkata




You were an angel in the shape of my mum

Kau malaikan dalam wujud ibuku

You got to see the person I have become

Kau harus lihat orang ini

Spread your wings and I know

Merebahkan sayapmu dan aku tahu

And when God takes you back he say Hamdulillah

Bahwa saat Tuhan membawamu kembali berkata Hamdulillah

You're home

Kaulah rumah


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